Mul on praegu pooleli Stephen Pinkeri “Enlightenment Now“, mis on sulam filosoofiast, ühiskonnateadusest ja andmeteadusest. Nagu täpselt õigel ajal ellu sattuvad raamatud ikka, võtab see suurepäraselt kokku mõned minu enda viimase aja mõtted ja lisab siis palju kihte struktuuri, mõttesügavust, analüüsi ja järeldusi.
Ma ei jõua praegu korralikku arvustust kirjutada (Scott Aaronson tegi hea töö), seega võtan raamatu kokku järgmise Obama tsitaadiga raamatust:
I’ve often said to young people in the United States, if you had to choose a moment in history to be born, and you did not know ahead of time who you would be — you didn’t know whether you were going to be born into a wealthy family or a poor family, what country you’d be born, whether you were going to be a man or a woman — if you had to choose blindly what moment you’d want to be born you’d choose now. Because the world has never, collectively, been wealthier, better educated, healthier, less violent than it is today. That’s hard to imagine, given what we see in the news, but it’s true. And a lot of that has to do with the developments of a integrated, global economy.